13. Graph

13.1. graph_ahead_behind

This Method help in comparing and finding number of commits in between 2 commits.
parameters Returns
luagit2_repository numbers_ahead (number)
luagit2_oid (current) numbers_behind(number)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose commits are to be compared.
  2. luagit2_oid : The current commit.
  3. luagit2_oid : The other upstream commit with which to compare.
  • Returns two numbers in order:
    1. number of commits current commit is ahead of upstream commit.
    2. number of commits current commit is behind upstream commit.


The upstream commit must be one of commits in the same tree as the other commit.

13.2. graph_descendant_of

Helps in checking if one commit is parent commit of other.
parameters Returns
luagit2_repository is_decendent (Boolean)
luagit2_oid (current)
  1. luagit2_repository : The repository whose commits are to be compared.
  2. luagit2_oid : The current commit to check.
  3. luagit2_oid : The ancestor commit with which to compare.
  • Returns a boolean value for whether current commit is a child commit of other or gives an error.