1. Add Files to Index

luagit2’s “add” example

( equivalent to git add <file> )

It shows how to modify the index

The user should pass a valid git repository’s path as 1st argument. and can pass as many file path to add to the current index as he/she wishes.


The passed file paths must be relative to the given repository’s path

This file can be executed directly with some arguments.

local luagit2 = require("luagit2")

luagit2.init() -- initialize libgit2's threading and global state.

local repo_path = arg[1] -- Get the repository's path
local num_files = (#arg) -- Count total number of arguments

local repo = luagit2.repository_open(repo_path)    -- open repository
local repo_index = luagit2.repository_index(repo)  -- open repository's index

for i=2,num_files do
        luagit2.index_add_bypath(repo_index,arg[i])    -- Add files to index

luagit2.index_write(repo_index)   -- Write added files to git index.

luagit2.index_free(repo_index)    -- Free the used index
luagit2.repository_free(repo)     -- Free used repository.

luagit2.shutdown() -- Shutdown libgit threading and global state.